Our Blog


  Got those spare parts, clothes, helmets, etc. lying around taking up room.  Well folks, now is your chance to share it with your fellow riders.  Just list your items here and your price and watch them disappear.  (Only used items may be listed on here, this site is not to be used to promote or sell new products.  If the webmaster decides that your post is in violation of our rules, your post will be deleted.)  Thanks and have fun and enjoy! There is also a link for ride suggestions, let us hear from you!

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Riders Edge Group Riding Video

With the Riders Edge/MSF Guide to Group Riding you'll learn how to organize and ride in the ultimate group adventure. (Click READ MORE to watch video)

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A Message from your Regional Manager

  A Message from your Regional Manager I sincerely hope you and your chapter members are enjoying the fresh air and putting miles on, whether in groups or solo, because riding motorcycles is why we joined H.O.G. We are having great weather here in Wisconsin and I have been enjoying some time riding with my wife on weekends, which has been really nice. Working from home these past few months has also allowed me to mentor a few friends in their riding journey, which is also a blessing.

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Chennault Museum

A wonderful thank you letter from The Chennault Musem for the donation made to them from the HOG Chapter.  Thanks members for making this a great fund donation.

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HOG Fixins Cookbook

Hello fellow HOG members, we have a new fund raising opportunity that we are putting out to all of you for your input. Since we all love to “Ride to Eat”, what better way to raise money than to share our family recipes. Since the quarantine has kept everyone at home and unable to eat out, we have seen some wonderful foods prepared that you have shared with us on Facebook. We got to thinking that this would be an amazing way to share our recipes and make money for the chapter. So we really want all of our members to contribute

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Ride 365

This year, we are participating in RIDE 365! We collect miles not only as individuals, but as a Chapter.  The more of our members that register for Ride 365, the more miles we can record!  There are great incentives for all.  Please take a few minutes to drop by Warhawk Harley-Davidson® with your VIN and Odometer reading to make sure you are registered.  This is different from the regular Mileage Program, so even if you are already registered for the Mileage Program, you still need to register for Ride 365.

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Welcome to our new website!

We are happy to announce the launch of our new website! Warhawk Chapter has joined the HOG[SCAN] family.  This new website and software will allow us to reduce our paperwork, and improve our operations, with new membership managment and participaton tracking tools. 

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